This post marks one more post than I did in 2012.
Made my goal by the skin of my teeth.
I thought about writing those three sentences as my post and leaving 2013 with it.
Then I decided I want to leave 2013 with hope and encouragement for 2014.
As I was ending 2012 I thought that the following year was the beginning of good things.
And it was.
Just not how I had envisioned those good things.
Part of me is afraid to hope for good things in 2014.
I'm not sure if I can handle another year filled with the 'good things' that 2013 brought me.
Then I found an article printed from a website lying on a friend's counter.
The title 'Can God Provide the Things You Need?' screamed up at me.
I struggle with this idea.
I like to think that I hold my future wrapped tightly in my fist.
I glanced over it, not having time to actually read it. It is about Moses and the Children of Israel in the desert. God provided all their needs. The article shows how big their need was.
I jotted down the website so I could take the time to read it and let it all soak in.
I'm not going to share the article in its entirety. Just a few brief points that stood out to me.
- Moses needed 1500 tons of food each day. We aren't talking a small snack here.
- To bring that much food to the desert, they would need two freight trains each a mile long. Thankfully, God doesn't need trains. The wilderness is rather lacking in tracks.
- To cook the food they would need 4000 tons of firewood each day. And I don't think there is an abundance of forests in the desert.
- Of course, water was needed. If they used water sparingly, they would need 11,000,000 gallons of water. Imagine if they were like spoiled Americans and demanded bottled water?
- If they crossed two by two like all of the Children's Bible stories like to paint, it would have taken them 35 days and nights and the line would be 800 miles long. Next time you are in line at an amusement park, imagine waiting to cross the Red Sea and being last in line. Your line won't seem so long anymore.
- Because they needed to cross in one night, they went across (not two by two) but in rows of 5000. I can't get my three kids to walk side by side. Imagine getting that many people, who were scared and tired, to cross.
- Every time they camped for the night, it was like turning almost the whole state of Rhode Island into a giant campground. Their camp covered 750 sq. miles.
What struck me most about the article was the comment at the end of the mind blowing facts. It says: "Do you think Moses figured it all out before he left Egypt? I think not."
Why do I think I need to figure it all out before I am willing to step out in faith?
If God can provide for that many in the wilderness, He can easily provide for my small family of four.
This past year I have had so many kind words said, beautiful letters sent, and wonderful emails written to me about this blog. Thank you so much for each bit of encouragement. I love hearing from all my readers across the globe. I have had mentioned that some would like to comment, but don't want it published. The comments are moderated by myself so if you would like to leave a comment, but want it unpublished just say so in the comment and I won't publish it for others to read. Thanks again for the kindness that has been shown to my children and I. Blessings in 2014. I can't wait to see what it brings! xoxo-j