Friday, September 16, 2011



I know its not technically a word but I cannot think of another word to describe my week. 

Last week I started a part-time/full-time job at an Orchard.  And I love it. 

I give school tours.  I pack fruit.  I box produce. I stock shelves.  I  And I love it.

The work is insanely  And I love it.

I come home absolutely whipped.

This week I am working 6 days. 

Along with:

An order of 45 dozen cookies.

An order of bread.

Cleaning a house. (not mine. sob)

Rhianna's birthday.

Which means:

A cake. (I'm making a crown shaped cake out of an angel food cake.  :o)

A party.

Something extra special. (I'm getting her balloons and flowers on my lunch to give her after school when she walks to the orchard...she will be so excited!)

Oh. Yeah.

And school.

Essays. Power points. Discussions. You get it.

I think there is something else that I had to do. Or maybe I already did it.  Or maybe I forgot what it was.  Humm?  Oh well. 

Needless to say I am so tired that I am nauseous and I even feel the joints in my toes. 

Tonight I didn't think I could go any further.  I just wanted to crawl in bed and sleep for at least 16 years. 

After dinner I told the kids that I was laying down on the couch and sleeping for awhile.  They each had two jobs. 

Riley had homework and needed to wash a load of towels for me.(Yes, I'm that mean.  My 8 year old can do my laundry :o) 

Rhianna needed to do her homework and unload the dishwasher.

Reagan had to clean his room and Rhianna's room (he trashed it last night). 

Me?  I was

I woke up about an hour later to hear my kids playing together in the basement.

I looked around and saw that the dishwasher was in fact empty and the dishes put away. 

I ran downstairs and took clean towels out of the dryer (the sweetie put them in the dryer for me too!!)

I headed upstairs and both bedrooms were spotless. 

Then it hit me. 

My kids are amazing.

Fantabulously amazing.  No. That's not a word either, but I think it should be.  And it should be reserved to describe how amazing my kids are.

I gave them a bedtime snack and they willingly went up to bed. 

They even stayed in bed and didn't come downstairs. Even once.

I realized how blessed I am to have these children.   While they can be such hard work and so difficult at times I have to realize how amazing they are.  There aren't too many 8 year olds that can and will wash a load of towels for his mom.  There isn't too many 6 year olds that can and will empty a dishwasher.  And there aren't too many 5 year olds that can clean two bedrooms ( Riley admitted to helping him.  Reagan is such a spoiled little guy...typical youngest :o) 

This children haven't really had the easiest life.  I just hope they grow up and not resent me for my bad choices and how they affected them but that they grow up and see that I did my best.  That I love 'em with all my heart.  That they truly are my most prized possessions and they are unbelievably special to me.

I couldn't do this without them.   

1 comment:

  1. Such a thought-provoking post. Busy-ness is not a fun state, is it? Thinking of you!
