Friday, February 28, 2014

Winter Beach {Rocky Neck}

The email came a few weeks ago.

"Are you planning to be in Hartford any time soon?  We have an opening we would like to bring you in and speak with you about"

In fact, I was planning a trip to Hartford for a bit of networking.

I only had one day free on my trip to spend there and the time was to be determined depending on the team's scheduled.  I wouldn't find out until later exactly how many I would interview with and how long the sessions would be.

I flew in on a Monday and didn't have anything scheduled that afternoon.  I wanted to, but was afraid if bad weather hit and my flights were delayed I would be a wreck.  Instead I decided to have some me time.  Take the time to spend alone and do what I wanted...without rushing.

I picked up my rental car and drove downtown to stake out the place I was going to on Tuesday. I hadn't been there before, unlike the other place which I had been to twice before.  I easily found the parking lot, etc and then went on to the next stop.

The beach.

I needed to go to the place where I first met God.

Long story, but when I was 20 years old I was running wild.  During a trip east I drove myself to the southern part of Conn and visited this beach.  It was empty that Saturday morning, in mid-October, and quite serene.  It was there I came face to face with the realization I needed a Savior.

It was at the same beach, 10 years later, I had pictures done with my children.
Its not a remarkable beach.  Actually, rather boring in the summer with large crowds and small-ish waves.  Its actually one of my least favorites during the summer crowds.  But off-season?  Its where I want to be.

I pulled in to the parking lot and was rather surprised to find a half dozen cars.  I thought I was the only crazy one who would go to the beach in February.

I walked under the stone bridge and was not let down.  The peace that I needed met me there.

I've been to this beach in the summer.  Its not the same.  There is the busy-ness of the crowd and the lack of space.

What I found on Monday was what I needed.  An empty beach and the only noise was the noise of the seagulls chattering in the breeze.

I found that the ocean is more beautiful in the winter than it is in the summer.

I walked down to the edge of the water and walked a bit, then finding a spot on the rocks to just sit.  And think.  No rushing, no pressure.  Just sit.  And look.

I had a big week ahead of me.  Decisions would be made that would be life-altering.  This week could prove to be another letdown or it could be the catalyst that makes my dream come true.  I needed time to sit and think and pray.
 I climbed off the rocks and walked a bit more down the beach.  The air was warm(er) and the sun was shining through an almost cloudless sky.  I can't wait to be close enough to run down to the beach every winter.

I found a bench and sat, closing my eyes in the sunshine.  It was exactly what I needed and found refreshment in the salty-air.

I looked down at my watch and was surprised to see that almost an hour had passed.  I had a dinner invitation and had about an hour drive.  I needed to go, but had to peel myself away.

 I had no idea what would happen over the next few days.  I was terrified either way.  No matter what would happen would bring change, and I am tired of change.

The next few days would prove to be amazing.  Like a dream.  I am speechless at some of the things that transpired.

I can't write too much.  I've learned from the past that nothing is guaranteed.

But this time feels different.

Only time will tell.

(And if you can get to a New England beach in the winter time...GO! Nothing compares with the beauty.)

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