Thursday, April 21, 2011

On Cheerleading

I love the book of Philippians.

I've never really considered why I enjoy it so much. Until tonight.

It is a book that encourages us to be encouraging. And I like that.

I want to be known as an encourager.

Whether it is in my speech, my actions or my reactions I want to be an encourager to those around me.  I want people to see my weaknesses...and through my weaknesses God's strength.

I want people to walk away from talking to me feeling happier.

I want people to smile.

Maybe even laugh.

Philippians 4:8 tells us: Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

There are a lot of 'whatsoevers' in this passage.  I knew what it meant.  But I still thought it fun to look  it up:


–pronoun, adjective
an intensive form of whatever
An INTENSIVE form of whatever. 
I read this as whatever, only exaggerated.
If you think on whatever things are positive only intensified, then there really is nothing left to look on critically or negatively. 
And since Romans 8:28 tells us that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose. we can see that in the grand scheme of things, nothing bad happens. 
It may seem bad, or negative, or tragic, or horrible. 
But for those who are called a child of God, who are serving His purpose it will serve for a greater good. 
Which is good. Right? 
And good can't be bad.
I want to hear of all my dear readers' lovely things you are thinking on. 
I want to hear the wonderful things that God has done for you today. Or this past week. Or whenever. 
I want to think on your lovely things with you. 
And praise God alongside you for those blessings in your life.
Another favorite Philippians' passage is:
Philippians 2:3: Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.
Just stop and walk with me into my world of imagination. 
Come. I'll take you by the hand...
Imagine a world where people esteemed people higher than themselves. 
[esteemedpast participle, past tense of es·teem (Verb)1. Respect and admire]
A world where:
Husbands cherished their wives
Wives respected their husbands
Parents loved their children, unconditionally
Children obeyed their parents
Siblings only spoke kinds words
Bosses dealt fairly with employees
Co-workers didn't gossip
Friends didn't become malicious
Acquaintances didn't lie and destroy reputations
Strangers respected strangers
The list goes on and on...
I realize we are living in a fallen world where Satan is attempting to destroy.
Even though the devil is strong, we can control our nastiness towards one another. 
One person at a time.
In our corner of the world. 
The evil one may appear to be winning, but we can control our attitude towards each other. 
And that in itself will cause a stronghold, a brick wall, of protection from the devil.
Give some encouragement today.
And the next day.
And the day after that. 
Until it becomes routine and second nature. 
I dare you.
Be someone's cheerleader.

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