Friday, September 21, 2012

Wayne County Fair '12

The county fair in our county is a huge tradition and everyone goes.  I think its mandatory for residents of Wayne County, Ohio to attend.  :o)

I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to take the kiddos to the fair this year.  Its just so expensive and I wasn't overly excited about spending money I shouldn't.

My mom caught wind of this and said she would give me money to take the kiddos to the fair.  I'm so blessed with such a wonderful mom! 

Mom, Thank-you. Again.

Here are just a few photos of them enjoying the fair:

Rhianna's artwork!

My friend met up with us and took 'her boy' for a ride of his choice.


Rhianna was nervous of the Carousel at first :o)

She went on the carousel a few times but her favorite was the dragon roller coaster...
I CAN'T believe I didn't get a picture of her on it :o(

Riley ran into a friend and they went off to ride the 'big rides'

Riding with the Indian's football cheeleaders :o/


Of course we stuffed ourselves with fried cheese, gyros, hotdogs, and cotton candy.  Not sure if we will ever make it back for the fair, making this year bittersweet.  

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