Monday, August 13, 2012


Remember this post about fires in the orchard to save the peaches? 

Well it worked.

The majority of the peaches are on the small-side this year from lack of rain.

But we have peaches.

And for that we are thankful.

God truly blessed the efforts they put into saving the blossoms last spring as they worked through the night...night after night. (I only did one night...can't imagine the exhaustion from multiple nights and the stress of it)

I wish everyone had the opportunity to smell the aroma of freshly picked peaches.  They come in freshly picked from the trees out back.   Crate after crate of succulent fruit comes into the building.  The smell of sun-ripened peaches fills the air and the heat they soaked up from the rays radiates from the crates.

With each crate I pull off the skid, I am amazed at the bounty of the harvest.  I'm sure there have been better years, but to see the blessings from God~the provisions, when all could have been lost.  It amazes me...crate after crate.

It gets tiring.  Boxes of fruit are heavy, crates are heavier.  Its hot. Its humid.  The fuzz from the peaches stick to your arms and somehow gets to your neck.  It is unbearably rolling in fiberglass.  But I still stand in amazement at the bounty.

We pack the peaches in many ways according to the specific order.  Half bushel boxes, crates for markets, baskets for stores.  Bin after bin is filled with baskets to be shipped all over the state and beyond. 

My job?  Its tiring and some days exhausting but it is always fulfilling and I always have a ton of fun.  

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