Wednesday, August 8, 2012


A few weeks ago I wrote about my struggles with my boy. 

I was battling with the question of "is this behavior normal?"

Since that post I have had the opportunity of speaking to many mother's of sons the same age as my son.  Some mothers confronted me; others I went to them.


We are all dealing with the same thing.

We are all fighting the disrespect.
We are all dealing with their strange behavior.

Bottom line.

Its okay.  He's okay.  He's fine. 

This is normal.

They are fighting their hormones while they are trying to learn independence.

I'm left with only one problem.


I must use this time of growing and struggles to teach him how to be a man. 

I must be consistent and patient.  I must be willing to calmly listen to him when he is upset.

The essay thing? 

Is working. 


It gives him time to settle.  It gives him time to think.  It gives him a healthy outlet for his stress.

It gives me the time to settle.  It allows me time to think.  It gives me the answer of why he is upset.

I have so much to be thankful for. 

I have an amazing son.

He has so many incredible qualities that I see blossoming and becoming fruitful. 





I have apologized to him for not being the mom I should be.  I know if I could react differently, things most likely wouldn't escalate.  This is my fault.  I am overtired and I depend on him for so much.  I need to change my reactions before I can expect him to change his.

He does so many chores around the house and helps with so many things.  He worries about me and often will give me a back rub after a long day at work.  He keeps an eye on the two littles while I take a quick nap in the evening before a long night of school.  He cheers me on with school....looking forward to my graduation. 

His compassion towards others amazes me.  And if you take the time to get to know him, you will be amazed as well.  He is understanding of other's feelings How he reacts to them and treats them is incredible for a boy not yet 10.  He knows pain.  He knows hurt feelings.  He knows what it feels like to feel rejection.  But he is overcoming that in an amazing way at a young age.  That is incredible to me.

I know we are going to be okay.  Knowing this is normal. Knowing this is a natural stepping stone we must pass over together to get him from a boy to a man.  We'll just keep stepping one stone at a time, prayerfully and joyfully.



  1. We here in the Dotterer house are big fans of "your boy". He has always been very kind to Max. We enjoy seeing him at church and whenever we bump into him at the library. We agree with you, he is amazing!

    1. Thank you April! I read this to him and he just smiled :o)
