Sunday, December 29, 2013

Best Year {2013}

2013 was...well...was quite the year. 

In some ways the most eventful year of my life. 

I've had years where there was a big event.  Happen in singular form. 

This year just so happened to bring me big plural form. 

I'm quite tired after living this year.  And at one point would have accused 2013 of being a bad year.  

Then I came across this quote:

I believe that if I'm living my life the way I should, the best year of my life will always be the last one that I lived. "Best year" doesn't mean that all of my hopes and dreams have come true. And a year where all of my hopes and dreams have come true wouldn't necessarily be my best, but perhaps just be my most unexpected one.” 
–Eli McCann

After pondering on what he meant; I realized that in some ways I could say that 2013 was my 'best year'.  

I grew in 2013.

I was 






However you want to describe it.  It happened. 

In Decembers past while reminiscing; I have said the same thing about those years.  That those were the years I grew the most.

Little did I know what this year would be. 

2013 was the year where I had to prove to myself that I was tough enough, that I could trust enough, that I was willing to grow enough, that I would fight for what I wanted. 


January was the finalizing of the kids' name change...  My name was changed the previous October, but the final court hearing for the kids' name wasn't until January.  A year later I'm still speechless when I try and describe the good that has come from pursuing this. 

February I finished classes.  Four years of essays, projects, and classroom discussions.  

Spring: Started networking on a more serious level.  

Baseball/Softball starts

Visited Hartford and personally met a network contact who introduced me to more.  Started a wild and crazy week filled with interviews.  

Beginning of summer break :-)

Football for the boys begin

August/September:  Both positions that were offered to me were closed by HR.  Fiscal year end/budget issues. 

I start a new job at a local hospital. 
Rhianna turns nine. 

We move from our little apartment to a small ranch home. 

Riley turns eleven, Reagan turns eight. 


I'm ready to take on 2014.

A little it seems like each year gets more and more adventurous.  

Maybe 2014 will just be my most unexpected year.

Where all my dreams come true. 

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